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"...Church of the Living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."

- 1 Timothy 3:15


“I was glad when they said unto me - Let us go into the house of the LORD.” - Psalm 122:1



The Church of the Living God - Elim welcomes you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to join us in seeking to know the true God as we look into His Word, the Holy Bible.

We follow the traditional teachings of the doctrine of Christ as taught to the early church by The Lord Jesus Christ himself and also by his apostles (Hebrews 6:1-2, Acts 2:42).


The doctrine of the church is the historic Christian faith:

  • Belief in the eternal God as Creator of all things

  • Belief in the triune Godhead - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (three persons yet one God)

  • Belief in one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5)

  • Belief in Jesus Christ as the eternal Son of God, God revealing Himself to man - He is called Immanuel, meaning GOD WITH US

  • Belief in the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ to pay for our sins, and that He is now at the right hand of the Father

  • Belief in the Bible as the inspired Word of God which cannot fail – the prophecies and writings in the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Testament through Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27)

These are the doctrines followed by the first Church, as recorded in the book of Acts in the Bible. Like the early Church, we seek to continue steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42).

Church of the Living God Fellowships throughout Australia

Elim - 9 York St, Coorparoo QLD 


Hebron - 25 Carrington Avenue, Hurstville
Bethel - Llandilo


Bethlehem - 22-24 Packard Street, Keilor Downs



We believe in the authority of the Bible as the complete Word of God.

We believe in the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - Three Persons yet One God) and in the plan of salvation for humanity as planned by God the Father, executed by God the Son through His atoning death on the cross and His resurrection and applied and worked out in the life of the believers by God the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the Body Of Christ (the church) composed of all the Born again Believers from every kindred, tongue and nation and the local expression of that body in every place where believers meet together for worship and breaking of bread, fellowship, Bible study, and prayer.

We believe in the equality of the believers in the body of Christ. All believers are equally precious because the precious blood of Christ has redeemed them. Every believer is equally important and useful to contribute to the building up of the church because the Holy Spirit indwells them. The Body of Christ (the church) is the spiritual house and God's holy habitation to show forth His fullness, unity, love, wisdom, and power.

We believe in the preparation of the Church for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, for which praise is an essential part of that preparation. Therefore we encourage individual worship of believers in spirit and truth around the Lord's Table every Sunday, enabling them to declare the preciousness of the Lord as experienced by them. We warn and encourage believers to take part in the Lord's Table worthily in preparation of the glorious appearing of the Lord. This exercise is vital as the "Father seeks for such worshippers." (John 4: 23).

We believe in the stewardship of the church in preaching the gospel to all peoples regularly so that souls are saved and added to the church and build the kingdom of God. We take every opportunity to proclaim the Gospel, and every believer is encouraged to participate in the various outreach programs.

We believe in the autonomy of local churches under the headship and lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ based on the New Testament pattern and functioning according to the principles revealed in the word of God.



Rivers in the Desert is a three-book series delving into the will of the Lord for

his creation, as seen in the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Book one - “A New Creation” explores the creation story in-depth and reveals ten fundamental lessons from the creation that we can learn from and apply to our own life.

If you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, we welcome you to contact us for this book. Simultaneously, its message will encourage and refresh those who are already saved and those who know the Word of God.

We will send the book to you free of charge so that you can do the course at home at your own pace. Please supply us with your name and postal address by filling out the contact form on our Contact Us page.

We hope you enjoy Book one and will continue with Book 2 - “Promise of the Holy Ghost” and Book 3 -“ Coming of the Holy Ghost,” which will take you deeper in your search of the Holy Scriptures. We will send them to you free of charge on request.






9 York Street
Coorparoo QLD


Joseph - 0478 027 497

Ruth Nicholas - 0405 309 318

Ron Rondall - 0424 037 756


Prayer/Bible Study

Wednesdays - 6.30pm

Weekend Meetings

Saturdays - 5.30pm

Sunday Meetings

Worship/Table - 10.30am

Gospel - 2pm

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